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St. Matthew School

Grade 8 Language Arts Syllabus

Miss Salcito


Course Overview:


This literature/language arts course covers a variety of genre and introduces students to the concepts of short stories and novels both fiction and nonfiction. Students are given an opportunity to respond to literature and discuss reactions.  




I request that each student come prepared to class with their materials as well as with a positive attitude. All homework, projects, papers are due at the beginning of the class on the due date and WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE. It is your responsibility to make sure that you complete and bring in assignments when they are due. A phone call will be made home when a student consistently does not fulfill the class requirements. Make-up work due to illness will be given credit when passed in within a reasonable amount of time. It is your responsibility to see me as soon as you return to school to find out what you missed.


Classroom Behavior:


1. RESPECT everyone and everything in our classroom.

2. Be on time to class and sit in your assigned seat. 

3. Raise your hand and wait to be called upon when you wish to speak.

4. No writing on desks.

5. Remain in your seats at all times and do not prepare to leave class until you are dismissed.

6. Do not disrupt the learning process.





I use a point system, in which every assignment is worth a certain number of points. (Typical point values are listed below). Your grade on any assignment can be determined by dividing the actual number of points you received by the number of possible points.


  • Basic Homework – 10 Points

  • Quizzes – 50 Points

  • Essays / Written Assignments – 50 Points

  • Tests/ Projects – 100 Points


Assignments/Grading Policy:


1. You should expect to have homework every night.

2. Quizzes will be based on reading assignments, discussions and classroom activities.

3. You will have at least a two day notice before given a test.

4. Projects and Papers will be assigned throughout the year.

5. Notebooks will be organized and brought to class every day.




•          There will be a test/assessment given at the end of each topic/chapter(s)

•          There will be one research project every marking period

•          All missed assignments must be made up prior to ending the topic

•          Missed tests must be made up within one week

•          All work turned in after the due date is subject to a grading penalty.

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